Jerusalem Oct 13, 2022

Today, Thursday, 10/13, is day two of our two stay in Jerusalem. We took a 9 hour leisurely tour of Jerusalem. We saw Dome of the Rock, the Church of the Annunciation, a Jewish cemetery which had been desecrated by the Arabs and rebuilt by the Jews in 1948, and the Western Wall which has a side for men and a side for women.

The Western Wall is a very holy place where you pray and add a piece of paper with a personal pray into a crevice in the wall.

The tour company had about eight or more different tours in Jerusalem. They took us to a beautiful hotel where we had an excellent buffet lunch.

Knesset (Israel Parliament)
Environmentally controlled building for old writings and Torahs
Sukkah for Sukkot (Jewish Holiday)
Jewish Cemetery destroyed by the Arabs and restored in 1948 by Israel
Sukkah (Temporary Structure) for Sukkot (Jewish Holiday)